yielding support
Support for refactoring to restructure your source code, increasing the maintainability and chances of successful reuse.
支持重构源代码, 增强了代码的可维护性和代码的重用性.
Demonstrate the job responsibilities, including maintenance and use of supplies, efficient work practices and member support.
能履行岗位职责, 包括保证包装袋的供应和使用, 高效的工作方法,和员工的相互配合.
But now is a resplendent managed to support a large shelf.
Theoretically study the expert system ( ES ), Decision Support System ( DDS ) respective specialty and their common characteristics.
从理论上研究了专家系统 ( ES ) 、 决策支持系统 ( DDS ) 各自的特点与共性.
They are prepared to resort to violence in support of their beliefs.
Support DV and PV testing, prepare test plans and work on issues resolutions.
支持DV和PV测试, 准备测试计划和解决问题.
And a negative correlativity between frangibility and ego resilience, crisis coping method, and social support.
自我压弹能力 、 危机处理方式 、 社会支持与危机脆弱性具有显著的相关关系.
If the problem persists after a password reset, please contact support.
如果问题继续存在后,密码重置, 请联系技术支持.
I support this measure without reservation, ie completely, wholeheartedly.
That idea doesn't have the support of Florida democratic representatives in congress.
The provider does not support Schema Rowsets, so its metadata cannot be scanned into the Repository.
提供程序不支持架构行集, 因此无法将它的元数据扫描到知识库中.
Repetition goes on until the best structure of the flexible shield support is achieved.
I will try even harder and work against time to repay the company you're your support.
Both countries must renounce support for terrorism, and in Iran's case , its nuclear ambitions.
两国必须断绝与恐怖主义的关系, 伊朗要放弃核计划.
Axis " Urban Assault Team " has been renamed to " Urban Assault Support ".
轴心国 “ 城市突击队 ” 改名为 “ 城市突击支援 ”.
X can support any byte stream oriented network protocol, local or remote.
可以支持任何面向字节流的网络协议, 无论是本地的还是远程的.
Make the design meet internal QA and related external standard, support product QA test and certification.
确保机构设计符合公司及外部认证的测试标准, 协助产品的整机测试及认证.
Payment : We all pay for goods in support of Po, bank transfer, postal remittance, etc.
本店所有商品支持支付宝, 银行汇款, 邮政汇款等方式,具体请联系店主.
Thank you for your reliance and support.
This support energy does not by any relegate 2 s to subordinate positions.